Your unique wedding ceremony


The only time I like seeing people cry is with happiness, at weddings. Especially when it’s the groom setting eyes on his bride for the first time. Or the parents as they see their all- grown- up child walking down the aisle.


It is a momentous occasion, and one filled with raw emotion. Excitement, anticipation, nervousness, happiness, joy and love all rolled up into one big happy ball.


Even if you are having a small, intimate gathering with a handful of guests, it is just as meaningful and emotional. The size of the crowd and the relative expense of the venue have literally nothing to do with the level of emotion generated.


It is a time honoured ritual. It is transformative. A day you and your guests will remember forever.


It can be fun to plan for, and it can also be stressful. Lots of decisions have to be made the bigger your wedding is. There’s the food, the wine, the desserts, the bonbonniere, the photographs, the cake; do you pay extra for a photo booth for the guests? Who will you seat next to who at the reception? Who will you choose to make speeches, or to be in your wedding party? What about a fancy car for your arrival and departure?


In amongst all the planning, don’t forget about the ceremony itself.


It may sound obvious, but the ceremony- the ritual- is the reason for the day. Pledging yourselves to each other in front of the most important people in the world to you is something profoundly significant. The words said during the ceremony by the celebrant and by yourselves are meaningful. Everything else is (literally?!) just icing on your wedding cake.


Have a think about what it is that is important for you- the meaning you want to convey, the feeling, and the overall vibe. The words spoken during the ceremony should reflect what you want, who you are as a couple, as individuals; and that will mean that your ceremony doesn’t have to be just like the ones everyone else has- it should be unique to you.


The more you communicate with your celebrant about these things, the more meaningful and unforgettable your ceremony will be. Weddings that go on for a very long time and have the same stock standard content are fine for some couples. But if that’s not you, make sure you are actively involved in the process. Trust me, your celebrant will be so happy that you are taking an active interest in what is going to be said and they can give you all sorts of guidance and come up with something truly amazing if you let them.


It is going to be marvellous, and exciting, and joyful, and I would love to be a part of it.


Contact me for any questions/my availability on or ph. 0404047313 and I will be happy to help!

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